6 Week Branding Program

Go from brand confusion to brand confidence in just 6 weeks! 

What's the aim here? 
To produce a clear and comprehensive set of brand guidelines, to improve your brand messaging and ROI. We'll do this by working out who you're trying to target with your services, why it's not worked so far and how we can improve your branding to change that.   

What's Involved?

Here's what you get from me: 
1 hour/week for the 1:1 discovery and mentoring call where I'll talk you through each of the stages step-by-step, helping you to uncover your perfect branding, resulting in better engagement and improved sales. I will also be on-hand for further advice throughout the week.

Here's what's required from you: 
1 hour/week for a scheduled call plus time to prep for the following session (additional 1 hour max). 

What's involved and what will you walk away with?

You'll walk away from this 6-week programme with a definitive set of brand guidelines that will include

These guidelines will become your go-to point of reference for all communications, for everyone within your organisation.

What's the cost? 

Additional services offered: 
  • Revision of visual branding to better fit the new-found knowledge and confidence in yourself as a brand and your target audience. 
  • Professionally drawn-up brand guidelines, with content written by a branding expert and visual guidelines produced by a graphic designer. 
  • Revision of marketing copy (promotional materials, website etc) to reflect the newly refined brand guidelines. 
Let's Get Started
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